Gradescope Bubble Sheet Grading Process

Gradescope Bubble Sheet Grading Process


1. Canvas Setup

2. Gradescope Setup

3. Scan the Answer Sheet

4. Upload into Gradescope

5. Review Grades and Post to Canvas

6. Scanning Hints/Tips

Canvas Setup:

Add the Gradescope CSU menu item to the course navigation menu 

*Note: This is a one-time step

1. Select "Settings" on the left-hand navigation menu

2. Select the "Navigation" tab

3. Locate "Gradescope CSU" on the list 

4. Select the three dots next to "Gradescope CSU" and select "+ Enable"

5. Select "Save" at the bottom of the page

Gradescope Setup:

1. Click on "Gradescope CSU" on the left-hand navigation menu

2. Select "Roster"

3. Synchronize the Roster with Canvas

  • Unclick "Notify Students"
  • Roster Syncing can be done multiple times. It is best practice to sync before grading tests until enrollments settle after add/drop

4. Select "Assignments", then click on "Create Assignment"

5. Select "Bubblesheet", and click "Next"

6. Name the assignment, and click "Create Assignment"

*You are now in answer key set up

7. Select a default point value and create the answer key(s). Gradescope allows up to five test/answer keys.

8. Click "Save Answer Keys". This will take you to the Manage Scans step

9. At the Manage Scans step, Click "Settings" on the left menu

10. Select the "link" button under "Canvas Assignment"

11. Find the appropriate Canvas Course in the dropdown and click "Link Assignment"

12. The Gradescope assignment is now linked to the Canvas Assignment

Scan Answer Sheets

1. Collect and organize answer sheets so all are face-up. Having several that are upside-down will not matter.

2. Use a copier and scan the answer sheets into pdf file(s)

Upload into Gradescope for Grading:

1. Go to the Gradescope assignment and click on "Manage Scans"

2. Upload the pdf(s). Multiple pdfs can be selected and uploaded in one step

3. Gradescope will use character recognition to match the written student ID number. It will indicate which sheets couldn't be matched. These can be matched manually

4. Follow the prompts and it will grade. It may take some time to grade the exams. You may attend to other tasks during this time

Review Grades and Post to Canvas:

1. When grading is complete, move to "Review Grades". This page will provide statistics and individual grades

2. You can click on the name of a student to view their answer sheet and the correctness of each question

3. Additional Statistics can be found on the left-hand menu

4. To post grades to Canvas, select "Post Grades to Canvas"

Scanning Hints/Tips:

  • Students must write their ID number in the box. Legibility is key for better character recognition. 
  • It’s best to have all the answer sheets face-up before scanning. Upside-down sheets are not an issue as they will be automatically rotated by Gradescope when uploading.
  • One-sided scanning for Exams with 100 questions or less is highly recommended. Face-down (backward) sheets will be scanned blank. Once they’re found, they can be rescanned into another pdf file and uploaded.
  • If you have more than 100 questions, do 2-sided scanning. Page 1 face-up is still important!
  • High enrollment courses will undoubtedly have to scan in batches creating multiple files. Scanning to a USB drive will save time. The files can then be uploaded from the USB into Gradescope in one step.
  • Most copier/scanners on campus can scan approximately one sheet per second. Therefore, 300 exams would take 5 minutes for the machine to scan. Add perhaps another 10-15 minutes for keypad punching along with physically feeding the batches of exams, then 15-20 minutes of total scanning time is a reasonable estimate.

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