Rockwell Hall 119 is a conference room which seats approximately 30 people. This room is equipped with 2 large displays, a podium with a dual-monitor PC and BYOD (bring your own device) connections, 4 auto-tracking cameras, and a microphone.
- Turning on the Room System and Selecting a Room Mode
- Selecting a Source to Display
- Joining a Teams Meeting
- Hybrid Meeting Controls
- Adjusting shades
- Adjusting lighting
- Inviting the room to a Teams Call
- Recording a Teams Call
- Connecting to Guest WiFi
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Requesting Tech Support
Turning on the Room System and Selecting a Room Mode
Whether you are sharing a screen or joining a hybrid call, start with these steps.
1. Press anywhere on the touch panel screen located at the podium or west wall to turn on the system.
2. Select whether or not you will require cameras for your meeting. If you select the no cameras option, the cameras and microphone will enter privacy mode.
3. If you selected the No Cameras option, you will be taken to the Easy AV menu. Otherwise, you will be prompted to select your room mode based on how the room's tables are arranged. The different room modes will determine which camera presets to use for speaker tracking. The highlighted area of the icons indicates where the cameras will track speakers.
- Hybrid: Conference in the Round - tables are set up in a circle with speakers around the room.
- Hybrid: North Lecture - the primary presenter will be on the north side of the room.
- Hybrid: East Lecture - the primary presenter will be on the east side of the room.
You can always change your room mode selection later by selecting Change Room Mode from the Easy AV menu or the Hybrid Meeting Controls menu.
Selecting a Source to Display
Note: If a hybrid room mode is selected, wireless and wired BYOD options will be hidden from the EasyAV menu but can be accessed in the Multiple Source Select menu.
1. Once the system is turned on and a Room Mode has been selected, you can select one of the following sources:
- Show PC Left: display video and audio from the podium PC left monitor.
- Show PC Right: display video and audio from the podium PC right monitor.
- Show Wireless AirServer: display video and audio from a device connected wirelessly to the AirServer.
- Show Wired BYOD: display video and audio from a device connected to the wired connection
- Multiple Source Select: go to Advanced Audio and Video Routing Controls where you may select multiple sources to be shown on the wall displays.
Joining a Teams Meeting
Connecting from the Podium PC Laptop
1. Log into the Podium PC using the provided COB Conference Room 119 credentials.
2. Open Microsoft Teams.
3. In Teams, open the Calendar.
4. Find your meeting and press Join.
Connecting from Your Own Device
Joining a Teams meeting from the podium PC is recommended for ease of use. However, you can connect to a call from your own device if desired.
1. Connect the USB cable coming from the podium touch panel to your device.
2. To route the camera, microphone, and room speakers to a device other than the default Podium PC, select the Hybrid Meeting Controls button from the side pane.
3. Under Room Controls, select Call From Touch Panel USB.
4. Open Microsoft Teams.
5. In Teams, open the Calendar.
6. Find your meeting and press Join.
10. Confirm that proper inputs and outputs are selected. You may change an input or output by selecting the dropdown arrow next to the microphone or camera
icons while in a call. The camera, speaker, and microphone should match the following:
- Camera: Room Camera
- Speaker: Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (Room Speakerphone)
- Microphone: Echo Cancelling Speakerphone (Room Speakerphone)
Hybrid Meeting Controls
The Hybrid Meeting Controls menu gives users the following options:
- Change the room mode
- Select a device to call to (this will route the camera, microphone, and room speakers to the selected device)
- Camera control
Changing the Room Mode
1. Select the Hybrid Meeting Controls button from the side pane.
2. Under Room Controls, press Change Room Mode .
3. Select whether you need the room's cameras for your meeting. If the meeting is hybrid, select the desired room mode. Your selection of a hybrid room mode will trigger the room’s automatic camera tracking and let it know which tracking presets to use.
- Hybrid: Conference in the Round - tables are set up in a circle.
- Hybrid: North Lecture - the primary presenter will be on the north side of the room.
- Hybrid: East Lecture - the primary presenter will be on the east side of the room.
Camera Control
1. Select the Hybrid Meeting Controls button from the side pane.
2. Select a desired camera tracking preset from the options listed. These will only be available if the room mode is set to a hybrid option.
3. To control cameras manually, select the Manual Cameras option. This will unlock the manual camera controls. Select a camera (E Cam 2 or W Cam 4). Use the arrows to pan/tilt the camera, and the zoom in/out buttons to adjust zoom.
Adjusting shades
1. On touch panel press the window shades button.
2. Use the controls on the Window Shades menu to adjust the shades position.
Alternatively, physical shade controls are located on the panel located near the entrance to the room.
Adjusting lighting
1. Room lighting can be controlled via the white panel near the entryway. Press ON/OFF, or select one of the buttons to select a lighting preset.
Inviting the room to a Teams Call
1. Invite COB Conference Room 119 as an attendee to your Teams call. Note that this invitation will have to be approved and must not conflict with any prior room bookings in order for the room to officially be booked and for a hybrid meeting to appear in Room 119's calendar.
Please note that if your meeting will by hybrid, you must make sure that "Online meeting" is selected when creating your meeting.
Recording a Teams Call
1. Join your Teams call on your device. This will only work if the meeting is set to an online meeting, which you can check by selecting the meeting and clicking Edit.
If the meeting is not set to online, you must either edit the meeting details or create a new meeting that is set to online.
2. Once in the meeting, press More > Record and transcribe
> Start recording
. To stop the recording, go to More > Record and transcribe > Stop recording
3. After recording has stopped, the recording and transcript can be found in the meeting chat.
Connecting to guest WiFi
1. For guest WiFi, connect to the csu-visitor network and follow on-screen instructions. CSU students and employees should use csu-net. Please visit the Wireless information page for more details.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I adjust the volume?
There are several places where volume can be adjusted:
Touch Panel
1. Press the up / down arrows or the mute button on the right pane of the touch panel.
1. You may also need to adjust your device's volume to reach the desired volume level.
1. If adjusting the volume on the touch panel and your device still does not result in the desired volume level, you may need to adjust the volume of whatever media is playing (YouTube, downloaded video file, music, etc).
How can I adjust my microphone and audio settings in a Teams call?
1. While in Teams call, click the down arrow next to the Mic button
This will allow you to adjust both your microphone and the speakers.
How can I adjust my camera settings in a Teams call?
1. While in Teams call, click the down arrow next to the Camera button
How can I get a remote clicker to advance my PowerPoint slides?
1. Please visit the IT Help Desk in Rockwell Hall 37 (located in the basement on the south side of the building) and ask to check out a remote clicker if there is not one in the room. This clicker can plug into an available USB port on your device.
How can I switch between duplicating my screen and extending it?
1. Press + P
2. Select Duplicate or Extend
1. Open Settings
2. On left side bar click Displays
3. Select the drop down to choose between Extended display or Mirror
How can I use the guest laptop in Room 119?
1. The guest laptop is available at the podium. Login details are attached to the device. The account is named COB Conference Room 119 and can be invited to online Teams meetings.
Requesting Tech Support
1. Red button functionality from the touch panel is not yet available. For assistance, please contact the COB IT help desk via email at [email protected] or call (970) 491-5968.